Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What the Miley???

I have to admit - I've never been a Miley Cyrus fan. She just bugged me, but I ignored her and stayed away from anything with her in it (except for Bolt - her voice worked in that roll and the Princess loves that show) but just now I was perusing other blogs when I saw one with a link to a Miley Cyrus music video for "We Can't Stop". Yeah...I was going to post it on here so that you guys can understand what I'm talking about, but I just couldn't do that to you. WTH happened to her??? And why the heck do all of the young Disney stars have to be so insane when they "graduate" from Disney? I mean, she went from cute-but-mildly-annoying-young-Disney-star-with-good-prospects-for-the-future to....well this

By the way she makes this face probably 17 times in the music video, like "Yeah, I'm bad, I dress skanky and stick out my tongue while pulling my tough face". I have no idea, but it's disturbing and has placed her on my list of people that I would like to see get punched in the face. What happened to classy girls as role models? Now we have this??? I'd like to think that even if I were still an impressionable teenager that I wouldn't be roped into this ridiculousness, because it's just gross.

Ugh, now I just feel icky. Let's focus on someone that I absolutely love - and that is Zooey Deschanel

TOTALLY have a girl crush on her - she is just so quirky, beautiful (seemingly effortlessly too), love her singing voice, and I haven't seen anything that I haven't loved her in. And through it all she stays classy and classic. I love that if I look up pictures of her on Google then I don't have to make sure the Princess isn't around for fear of what she might see. (I had to literally chase her from the room to find that Miley picture above...)
Please people, if you're going to waste time watching people, make them nice, classy people. Not people who COULD be classy but choose to show just how "grown-up" and "bad" they are. I'm pretty sure that people could do that without looking like complete whore-ish idiots. Be like Zooey. She's awesome. Don't be like Miley. I'm pretty sure she's not from this planet.
Okay that's all for now. Rant over. :)


Anonymous said...

Miley is psycho!!! oh, you might want to think about changing the pink font color, it's kinda hard to read with the gray background

~Mindy~ said...

Thanks for the feedback! I was actually thinking about possibly changing the font color anyway and then forgot about it, ha ha! Hopefully this is a little better. :)