Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Imaginary Friend

A lot of children make up imaginary friends. Usually it seems to be a random child-like friend, or sometimes it's a character from a TV show (I have a niece who's imaginary friend is Isabella from Phineas and Ferb). My daughter, the Princess, picked one that I really should have seen coming but didn't. Over the last few months, her Prince Charming has been accompanying us whenever we leave the house. She'll inform me of where he sits in the car, will tell me if he has his seatbelt on or not, will talk and argue with him (her fingers and toes also talk and argue so this doesn't concern me) and she would even go so far as to hold his hand in the store. Then at home she would ask me to tell the "may-eed" story (married story) and she would act out everything I said with her "Prince". Recently, however, he's kind of disappeared - or so I thought. I was tucking her into bed and I saw that her regular pillow was turned the wrong way on the bed, then she had her glow-worm thing and her baby next to the pillow, and then she had her little decorative pillow that she sleeps on sitting on the very edge of the bed. I suggested we put the worm and the baby on the other pillow so that she wouldn't fall off the bed while she slept, and she screamed "No! That's where Prince sleeps!" I was a little shocked, because I thought that Prince had sort of phased out, but apparently he's still there. She tells me every day how much she loves Prince and how they will get married someday. It's sweet, but I'm still a little disturbed by her having him sleep in her bed. I have to keep reminding myself that she's only 3 1/2, so it obviously doesn't mean the same thing that it would to, say, a teenager, and that it's all innocent. What about you? Did you have an imaginary friend growing up, or do you have kids with imaginary friends now? Tell me about them in the comments!

1 comment:

nicole lindsay said...

my grandma had an imaginary friend named "journal" she tried to "gift" him to me when I was younger. Didn't work though. My oldest had an imaginary grandpa person and other dad person. He would tell stories all the time about these two and the things he did with them. Kind of weird!