Thursday, July 25, 2013

First World Mommy Problems

I think I may do a new segment on here (because my blog is obviously big enough to do segments on, lol) called First World Mommy Problems, or FWMP. For my first FWMP post, I'm going to tell you a little bit about how my day went yesterday.

Over the last few months I've suddenly started getting really bad migraine headaches. A lot of them. Anyway, yesterday seemed like a good day to have one, so my head went to work on trying to keep my as useless as possible while the husband was at school. The house was a mess, the kids didn't sleep good, and the Princess was demanding on doing something fun. She wanted to go outside and finger paint, and I said no, not right now. Then she wanted to go to the store. Nope, I just need to keep my eyes closed. Then she wanted to play a game. Okay, got a game out, but she refused to play it without me. I begged and pleaded with her to let me rest until my headache was gone, but instead she grabbed my boots and threw them on me and said "Just put your shoes on, Mommy, and then we will go to the store and we will come right back home, okay? I promise." Luckily, it was Superman's short day at school so when he came home I informed him that he needed to take the Princess on a daddy-daughter date to get ice cream. That gave me a few hours with the Ninja, who was pretty calm and happy just playing with toys and watching The Lorax (it's the only show he sits for, so it's on a lot around here if ya couldn't tell.)

Moving forward a couple of hours, my headache finally was gone, and while the medicine I took left me feeling a little off, I still felt like I could survive a trip to the store. Telling the Princess of my plan, she shrieks with delight and flits over to the door. I get her and the Ninja all packed up, start driving, and see that Superman has left me with an empty gas tank and only 4 miles left on the tank. Grand. Quick detour over to the gas station (barely made it!), quick fill-up, and then we're back on the road to the store. It's about 5-10 minutes away. Well I pull into a parking space, turn off the car and say "We're here! Let's go inside!" ....Nothing. I look back and see that the Ninja is fast asleep. Okay, he's young enough that I'm not too concerned with that - he can sleep in the cart. But then I look right behind my seat and see that the Princess is also fast asleep! Since we were already here, I went to the back door of the car and tried to gently shake her awake. Didn't work. I lifted her head from her chest, wiped off all of the drool and the hair stuck to the drool off of her face, and then tried talking to her to see if she would wake up. Nothing. So I put a hand on either side of her head and gently pushed it back and forth. This one normally works to get some sort of response, even if it's just a growl to leave her alone, but after playing Ping-Pong with her head for a bit, she just sighed and stayed asleep! I tried tickling her, poking her, prying her eyelids open, blowing in her face - this girl was out of it. I called Superman and had a little chat, called my Mom and had a chat with her, and then decided that it was too hot to sit out in the parking lot and wait for them to wake up, so I had to drive all the way home and drag the sleeping kiddos back into the house and deposit them on the couches.

About an hour later, they both woke up and the first thing the Princess said to me was "Mommy, you were supposed to take me to the store! Why didn't we go to the store?" to which I calmly explained that we tried to go to the store but then she fell asleep so we had to go home. Yeah, she screamed at me. Not just a little disappointed cry, but a full on "How could you do this to me" freak-out. (Sigh)

And that, my friends, is todays First World Mommy Problem - driving your kids all the way to the store, only to have them fall asleep and have to turn around to go home. Anyone else have this happen to them all the time? Be sure to comment with some of your FWMPs!

1 comment:

nicole lindsay said...

All. The. Time! we also do the whole 5 minutes away from home and we are doing the potty dance! We live 20 minutes from town and have had to stop at the potties along the side of the road and also ones at the ponds and such.